Monday 25 November 2013

Eating out is tricky!

Eating out can be very tricky and even food that looks safe may not be for me. i was out on Saturday night and one of the ladies brought a yummy looking cob loaf dip. You all know the ones I mean!

Looked fabulous! I asked how it was made: sour cream, spinach, onions etc. I took a chance and had a little bit - yum! I ended up having 3 scoops then got all the ingredients - which included a packet soup mix. I spent the next hour hoping it wouldn't affect me too badly, I only had 3 small dips after all.

No such luck, my head was pounding by the time I got home and it felt like my eye was being skewered by something. Instant migraine! Yay! 48 hours later and I am feeling myself again.

So how do you avoid additives when you're out? If you are at friends places - ask! Ask them what's in their amazing dip. Avoid crackers unless you know the brand is safe. If the packet is still there, discreetly check out the ingredients on the back.

Eating at a restaurant is a bit like playing the lottery. I have eaten at 5 star restaurants and been ill for 3 days afterwards. I've eaten at small cheap restaurants and been fine. Avoid sauces/dressings and stick to meat and vege/salad where you can see the items.

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